Ka-ze is a example application to show how Heroku, Salesforce and open source tools can work together to create compelling customer experiences. Using a sample municipal incident management use case, users can raise geolocated incidents via a web portal, which can be actioned and resolved in Salesforce and in a custom native mobile application.
You can use the Deploy to Heroku button below to create your own instance of Ka-ze:
Please see our readme file for more information on Ka-ze, including setup steps and requirements. Please also see our related Github project for information on the mobile application.
Here's some of the tools that we used to create Ka-ze:
Force.com is a suite of point-and-click tools that make creating custom employee-facing apps lightning fast. Ka-ze uses Force.com to provide an internal employee interface where they can work and resolve incidents raised on the web portal.
Heroku provides the platform-as-a-service to power a compelling customer experience. We use Heroku to host our web-facing components, run our application code, interface with the Force.com APIs, and expose services for our custom mobile application.
Ruby on Rails is an open-source web framework that’s optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favoring convention over configuration. Ka-ze uses Ruby on Rails as its underlying application framework.
Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. We’ve used Bootstrap for the core web application styling and a responsive layout.